About me

Hello. I'm Richard, the chap behind this blog. My friends call me Rich, and you can too. Here, I write down my thoughts, musings, and whatever else catches my fancy.

Why this blog?

I've always believed in the power of staying curious - it keeps things interesting. Whether it's tackling a new coding challenge, leadership experiences (people are complex!), diving into a good book, or just trying to make sense of my thoughts through writing, there's always something new to learn or explore.

This blog is my little bit of the internet, where I can write about various topics whenever I like. There's no content schedule here.

A bit about me

I'm a guy who works in tech leadership roles. Through my experience working in smaller agencies, I can wear many hats - senior leadership, client management, building teams, leading projects, and refining processes, to name a few.

I enjoy sharing what I learn along the way, especially if it helps someone else or even just me when Googling in the future.

Outside of work, you'll likely find me watching my beloved Leeds United, reading, occasionally out taking photos or walking my stupidly small mini Dachshund - Patrick.

The wee little Patrick

Let's chat

Take a look around, and feel free to drop me a message if you want to connect.

Stay curious.
